More On Nonprofit Salaries

Kudos to Bill Schubart, who wrote a response to the Republican attack on nonprofit salaries. It ran in the Free Press, but in case you missed it, the Center for Media and Democracy (CCTV) has it on their site:

Some high points:

The non-profit sector is not perfect. It needs critical self-analysis in both mission-efficiency and governance. There are opportunities for consolidation of overheads, if not missions. But community-based services have often proved more effective than consolidated state services.

For the Governor and Representative O’Donnell to lash out at the sector that is more efficient at delivering community services than the government only reinforces the increasing sense among more and more Vermonters that this administration has no clear vision for our future. It’s managing its past failures when it should be managing our present and planning for our future.

There is vital work going on in Vermont at the community level. Much of this is under Montpelier’s self-referential radar. It’s driven by volunteers, non-profit agencies and entrepreneurial business leaders who are dealing with their past and laying the groundwork for their future.

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